All Pets Considered


The Allgaier-Hawn Site


Animal Photography


Bad Picture Taker


Barking Hills Country Club


Bee’s Dogster Profile


Beebee’s Dogster Profile


Bow Wow Dog Bakery


Buffy Baird’s Doggie Bloggie




Butterfly McQueen’s Dogster Profile


C. Buddha’s Hasty Musings


Cairo’s Place


Classic Coats


Cosmic Pets


Dog Child Studios




The Dogs of Wisconsin Libraries


Dogstar Clothing




Duncan’s Dogster Profile


Events at Havencrest


Foxy’s Dogster Profile


Frida’s Dogster Profile


Georgi’s Petwear




Greater Southwest Saint Bernard Rescue




Heylove’s Dogster Profile


The Hot Diggitty Dog Great Pyrenees Website


The I.B. Munson House


Ian Grushka


Jason Schroeder’s Photos


Jose Nazario


Kirby’s Kingdom


Kool Dawg Tees


Leah Brooks


Levi Elvis’s Dogster Profile


Liam O’Dowd


Libelle Rottweilers


Linda Arns’s Photo Album


Magnus Feil’s Photos


Mailer’s Choice


Ms. Peel’s Chemistry Extravaganza


Newfs of Country Lane




Opus Moreschi’s


Our Mutts


Pepe’s Dogster Profile


Redbud Farms


Ron Bobroff’s Homepage


Scooby Shades


Sherman’s Dogster Profile


Sheyenne Valley Welsh Ponies


South Florida Siberian Husky Rescue


Stefanie Seskin’s Photos


Stepping Stone German Shepherd Rescue


Tiny Diamonds


Toothpaste for Dinner


Wheaten Rescue


Woofles Doggy Diner


Zoey’s Dogster Profile








The Beedog Elite Society

These are some of the folks who have kindly given me permission to use their photos on this site. 

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